Do you know?
Perhaps you watched the 1975 movie Mahogany, starring Diana Ross as Tracy Chambers, a woman from humble beginnings who becomes a glamorous fashion model using the name "Mahogany." While I recall certain parts of the movie what is constantly replayed in my mind is the theme song. The song is deemed poor grammatically as it ends with a proposition, but it flows very well musically. This Intentional Moment story is not about the “what not to do” as far as grammar is concerned, but it speaks to the need we have to evaluate our decisions, the way we live our lives.
The song is about evaluating life's journey, asking if what lies ahead is what you really want. It's appropriate for the film, as Ross' character finds that fame and fortune may not be what makes her happy. We are well into 2019. I admit it seems like I just celebrated New Year’s and here we are in February! As I take stock and evaluate the past months, there are some areas I can say I don’t like where I’m going, and I need to make some changes. If I don’t like the things that life is showing me, I need to ask the Lord to show me where I need to make changes. What do I need to do?
Now before you say you are doing all you can do and it is others in your life complicating things, or situations beyond your control…we can all testify that is a part of life. However, are those things controlling you? Are they dictating your joy and how you embrace living in the moment? What can you do? Whatever that is, do it and move forward. Take the next step.
In the movie the star was after fame and fortune. She got it and found out it did not bring her happiness at all. As you progress into the year answer these questions; Do you know where you are going? Do you like the things life is showing you? Where are you going to? Do you know?
Live With Intention,