Tara Owens
about me
I could take you through the introduction of where I grew up, how many years I lived in this place or that place, and perhaps you would find it interesting, or not. What I would like for you to know about me is that I grew up in the local church. That’s a huge part of getting to know me. I love the local church, and I love what it has done in me, through me, and for me. The local church has been instrumental in growing me into a woman who longs to know Jesus and serve Him. Yes, I’m one of those people who could stay at church all day and you wouldn’t hear me complain about being there.
So, let me tell you a little of how it all started. I was born into the family God destined for me. My parents Mose Johnson and Cleather Johnson were already parents of seven children when I showed up. Many of my siblings have made it a point to let me know, they were not expecting me nor excited for my arrival as that meant more for them to do as siblings. My father was the pastor of a small local church in Memphis so I don’t have to tell you going to church was a no brainer and mandatory in our household. I was a part of the children’s choir reluctantly; however, I did love Sunday School. It was a fun time of learning about Jesus, learning to recite scriptures, and biblical songs that still linger in my mind.
It was very clear in the teachings that I needed to accept Christ as my Savior; I needed salvation or I was hell bound. The older generation at that time didn’t mince words, or come up with a sinner’s prayer that was comforting; they gave you the bitter serving first so you wanted the sweet relief of a secured eternity with Jesus. At the age of nine, I took that step. To make a long story short, that step opened up a new way of life, took me on a journey with so many winding turns, steep hills, and low valleys; sometimes knocking me off my feet! I have experienced many joys, sorrows, losses, and victories. The cacophony of life can be overwhelming at times. What has kept me grounded in my relationship with Jesus is the local church. I love the Bride of Christ. I appreciate Her no matter how many challenges She faces. She has flaws, and dysfunction exists within Her because WE, you and I are a part of Her. She isn’t perfect, but She, the local church is the vehicle that God has chosen in these last days to use for His glory, unveiling His plan for mankind.
I am immersed in my local church, serving, growing, being transformed in a community of people seeking Him. I hope you are as well. If you are not and you are a follower of Christ, you are failing to obey one of His commands found in Hebrews 10:23-27 "Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching". The word "church" translates the Greek word ekklesia, which also means an assembly and it is clear that the writer of Hebrews was encouraging Christians to attend church to benefit themselves and others. We need the body of Christ, the local church, to grow just as you need food to grow and be nourished.
Now you know that the local church is a huge part of my life. On a more personal note, I’m married to a church boy who shares my same passion for His Bride! My husband, Darrell Owens, is a local pastor, and we have come to surrender that this is God’s plan for us as a couple; serving His church. The Lord did not give us biological children, but we are blessed with many nieces and nephews along with many in our church who consider us spiritual parents.
If I ever get to meet you, you will find somewhere in my conversation, the focus on the local church. I would like to share with you a portion of one of my favorite bible passages from the Apostle Paul found in Acts 17:28 “for in Him we live, move, and have our being.”
Live With Intention,